Kirigami Interactive Display

Adding Color to the Tradition

Inspired by the traditional Japanese art of Kirigami, I created an interactive projection mapped display showing off the beautifully designed shapes. Kirigami takes a flat piece of paper and folds and cuts the single sheet until it creates a three dimensional design. Creating my own composition of the sculpture piece, I then animated colorful shapes in After Effects to match the flow of the sculpture. I then used a combination of Processing and MadMapper to play the animations overlayed onto the white paper. Black conductive ink and copper tape was used to paint and wire up shapes for the viewers to touch to activate the scenes, with an additional one wired up to activate a spinning paper disk in the sculpture.

Roles: Concept, Construction, Programming

Photographs of the Display

My Process

The first step I did was work on designing and constructing the base sculpture. I would have to know what shapes I would need to design the animations for as well as the final size of the paper to use for the display. I first made a small scale mock up of the design to plan out the shape and measurements needed.
Then, using the final large-scale paper, I measured and drew out the final design, before cutting and folding it out.

After having the final design plan and measurements, I worked on creating the four different animations to play over the piece. Those final videos were then put into Processing to enable them to be coded to play only after a button was pushed.
The next step was to work on the integration of the two Arduino Unos to activate the animations and operate the spinning wheel. The first Arduino would be set up with touch sensitivity connections which would used to sense the finger to active each individual element, then send that information over to the Processing code, which would then play the according video. Processing would then send the activation signal to the spinning motor servo connected to the second Arduino.

Then, once the code and wiring was completed and in working order, it was time to finish assembly. I had some sturdy boards to use for backing and we built the framework to hold it both upright and together.
Then the servo connected to the Arduino had to be connected through the back of the piece and all the wires had to be connected up to the mac laptop underneath which was running all the programs and pulling all the signals together.
The spinning circle element was also cut out to size, then hot glued to the connecter for the servo, before being attached to the piece.

To set up the buttons, I painted small designs with conductive ink. Conductive ink is a paint which contains a high concentration of graphite in it which allows it to carry an electrical signal. To get the signal from the ink to the Arduino, I punched multiple small holes through the paper to the underside. On the back of the paper, I put down thin copper tape going from each button to the edge of the paper, where I then clipped the wires to the Arduino to.

The final step to set up was to align the projector hanging from the ceiling and line up the animations to the correct positions on the piece. To do this, I used a program called MadMapper, which is a program used to project designs on 3D objects as it allows you to morph and stretch the images and videos to counteract the warping that would usually happen when projecting on multidimensional shapes.
To get the animations that were playing in Processing to MadMapper, I used a program called Syphon. Syphon captured the Java window from Processing and sends it in a format that MadMapper can recognize.
Once the final adjustments were made in MadMapper, the display was complete and ready for viewing.

Exhibit Video

For Educational Use Only